
Your Oh pee'in

2012-12-10 23.42.022012-12-10 23.41.59
This is the first picture I took in the Luxembourg bathroom for Heidi LeBaron. I just wanted her to see the OCD germaphobes of other nations uniting.

2012-12-11 02.13.09
This picture was taken to prove how brave I was to touch down in Luxembourg and promptly jump on public transportation! This picture also was taken just before I got lost and wondered around Luxembourg for a few hours. Thanks iphone maps!

2012-12-11 16.57.162012-12-11 16.50.052012-12-11 16.50.49
Beautiful Luxembourg!

2012-12-12 13.49.312012-12-12 13.54.33
Things you might see on lazy afternoon runs.

2012-12-12 16.15.59
I just wanted to document how chubby I looked while I was in Europe. Two or three shirts, wooly sweater, scarf, pregnancy coat (from the time I was pregnant!) It was pretty cold to say the least. Washington has made me soft. In more was than one. See above picture.

2012-12-12 16.55.44
They drink pops there that are like. . .for ants. They don’t understand the mug of shame, and their skinny European selves couldn’t handle it anyway.

2012-12-12 17.47.192012-12-12 17.54.082012-12-12 13.12.432012-12-12 17.23.522012-12-12 17.23.56
Christmas Market! Where we are most of our meals!

2012-12-12 18.17.52
Every country has their own Notre Dame so they don’t have to share:)

2012-12-12 19.46.39

2012-12-12 20.31.35
The exit signs (see above) made me giggle and want to run and exit all at the same time.

2012-12-13 11.28.17 2012-12-13 11.28.24 2012-12-13 11.39.34 2012-12-13 11.42.35 2012-12-13 11.51.48 2012-12-13 11.55.03 2012-12-13 12.27.36 2012-12-13 12.41.08

2012-12-13 12.57.33
Thanks Jeff, for the vaca!


2012-12-13 13.34.53
Yes, I bought this rip off boring pamphlet for 4 euros! I hadn’t seen ANY information on the entire city in English for 3 days. I was thirsty for some knowledge. For the record there was nothing interesting in it.

2012-12-13 19.05.55
See above pop obsession

2012-12-13 19.10.482012-12-13 19.11.20
Work’in late during dinner

2012-12-13 19.14.33
which is OK because I’m super amused with the French fry forks.

2012-12-14 12.44.21 2012-12-14 12.50.55 2012-12-14 12.50.59 2012-12-14 13.21.59

2012-12-14 16.56.09
My commitment to working out:)


and me with my map because Paris can be a little intimidating to a non French speaker.

2012-12-15 10.04.54

Versailles! all day long!

2012-12-15 11.02.15 2012-12-15 11.02.47 2012-12-15 12.16.53 2012-12-15 12.22.43 2012-12-15 13.20.34 2012-12-15 14.01.07 2012-12-15 14.22.57 2012-12-15 14.26.27 2012-12-15 14.58.30

2012-12-15 15.06.52
We read that the walls were super thick to that the guards could stand in the window wells and you couldn’t see them. This is Scott at attention.

2012-12-15 15.26.37
The only toilet we saw. . .suspicions?

2012-12-15 15.38.45

2012-12-15 15.50.10
Marie Antoinette's little English village, so cool.

2012-12-15 15.52.23 2012-12-15 15.53.11 2012-12-15 16.03.57

Notre Dame

2012-12-16 09.35.43 2012-12-16 09.35.54 2012-12-16 09.56.18 2012-12-16 09.59.48 2012-12-16 10.10.46 2012-12-16 10.13.33 2012-12-16 10.17.16

2012-12-16 10.28.54
ok, it’s hard to tell what’s going on in this picture but this was defiantly the most popular thing going on in the Notre Dame. It was this very bizarre little animatronics diorama of a village and builders? I seriously did not get what all the fuss was about and I felt uncomfortable fighting to see it thinking about all the lives and the sacrifice that had went into building such a monumental cathedral.

2012-12-16 11.13.21

2012-12-16 11.14.42
So yeah we ran out of time and could not do it all. This is me with a trash bag and the Eiffel tower in the background. Yeah that thing poking out of the buildings.

2012-12-16 11.15.37 2012-12-16 11.16.21 2012-12-16 11.26.14 2012-12-16 11.27.56

2012-12-16 11.39.04
Yes we are aware we looked like total nerds. At least we have each other.

2012-12-16 13.27.02 2012-12-16 15.24.03 2012-12-16 19.04.47

2012-12-16 19.07.15

A celebration of food indeed!


Alicia said...

I'm so proud of you for getting the headphones tour. Remember when we were too cheap at Alcatraz and we wandered around like a bunch of morons because we had no idea what was going on? Haha!

Looks like a fun trip! I'm super jealous!

Tara said...

Yeah, looks like an awesome time. I was worried for a little while that there would be no pictures shared. Paris looked like a good time. And I am feeling a little smug, I told you so-ish about how cold it is. Sorry I was right.

Hilarie and chad Allen said...

That looks like so much fun!! So it was a business trip?