
Baby Freddie, I mean Alfred, or Alfie?

OK it’s true we deserted our blog for an entire year. I know Scott really likes having a record of our growing family but I was weary of blogging. I tried to get Scott to do it for an entire year. I thought it would be soooo much more interesting to see a dad blog. But here we stand.

Meet….this kid

2013-12-17 13.27.04

Alfred Dax. Mommy calls him Freddie. Dad, Alfie, and when he is a soccer star we will insist on Freddie Dax. Honestly we are still just figuring out what sticks.

Can I answer two questions for you?

1) Is this an oops baby?

Nope, he is on purpose baby. We know we told you we were done, we changed our minds. Heavenly Father let me know that we should have one more kid.

2) Is Alfred a family name?

No, believe it or not, we like it, or Scott likes it. I like the nick names it has.

2013-12-17 08.29.42-2
Poor kids! See that guilty shifty look on my face? Freddie was born with pretty low blood sugar and so we were under strict orders from our doc not to have any visitors and not to pass around the baby, if we wanted to keep him with us and out of the nic u. So Henry and Abe didn’t get to hold their new baby, they just looked at him like this. Then had to go to school.

2013-12-17 17.32.182013-12-17 17.32.32
This was later that day. Fun was had by all and Scott even took the boys for treats in the cafeteria.


2013-12-18 07.26.16
I was so hyped up after birth I couldn’t sleep but I did appreciate seeing my two men and all of Puyallup sleep.
2013-12-18 07.30.56
I woke up and realized this sweet baby was sleeping in a little vomit! I was so tired and grateful he was sleeping that I left him to sleep and wallow in it. A tad embarrassing when the doc came in the room in the morning and needed his patient to be a little more hygienic for treating purposes.

2013-12-18 15.35.112013-12-19 07.13.012013-12-20 20.46.492013-12-21 18.50.19

2013-12-23 16.15.52
This is a great baby, we are happy he is ours.

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