
While you were out….

While I was at girls camp Henry turned 5. We celebrated when I got back.

Airplane party at the Puyallup airport.

Coolest party ever thanks Bruce and Bev! You are the Greatest!

2012-08-11 12.16.04-1
Everyone earned a pilot license. Thanks Dad!

2012-08-11 11.12.01-1
YES! We acutally went up. Bruce had this random “friend” that noticed we were having a party and he offered to take us up. It was sooooooo amazing. Defiantly as fun for the parents as the kids.

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2012-08-11 11.12.32-1
Our “Baron”, yep that’s me going in!

Pictures in Deputy Johnston’s plane. Isn’t he just the nicest guy?

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Celebrations at home

Henry you are weird beyond belief. I cannot believe that you are five. You make us laugh every day with the funny things you say (“I’m steerwing your cold”) and with your funny faces. You LOVE to make new friends and you HATE anything that has fur, or scales, or extra legs. You also have a very sensitive nose I’ve noticed this year. While your brother is barfing his guts out next to you in the car you silently roll down your window. You will do anything to be able to follow your brother around and play what he wants to play. You are so easy going. You still throw behemoth temper tantrums, it’s your first response but you make it go as quick as it comes and ask for things again with a smile and a please. I love being you Mom!

2012-08-12 17.54.23I love this face!

2012-08-12 17.49.532012-08-12 17.49.58-2

2012-08-12 18.17.41
Yeah, we put candles on left over party cake. We don’t want him to forget his place!
2012-08-13 16.09.33
Jealous much?

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