
Good bye crazy eye

We will miss you


Getting ready for eye surgery. Henry did NOT want to give up those pants. He also was very underwhelmed by the loonytoons robe. He told the nurse he would rather have batman.



X marks the spot.  .  .or the eye.

You should have seen how brave he was. We watched him walk down the hall with about 5 other adults. No sadness just a blanket wrapped around himself for modesty's sake. Also huge grippy socks that were so big they slouched around his ankles. He was the picture of vulnerability but he wasn’t worried. The staff at primary children’s were ASWESOME. We watched the anesthesiologist pull out her iphone so that Henry could watch “Cars” on it till he fell asleep. They really tried to make him feel comfortable, I’m grateful. He told us later about the stickers they put on his chest to listen to his heart rate.


This is when we got him back. He was no longer calm and collected, amazing panic had taken over. It was soooo sad.


Riding to the car in a wheel chair did help a little. You should have seen the looks we got going to our car. Henry looked unwell to say the least (he never did barf.)



Things were a lot more easy to deal with back in a familiar environment.


This is what he looks like today. Terrifying and lovable, all at the same time.


This picture is just to leave the blog on a high note. I found Henry drinking “homemade apple juice” on Wednesday. He claims it tastes just like apples!

Here is the recipe:

Put water in a cup.

Put an apple in the cup.

Try and drink around the apple.


Happy Birthday Uncle Ryland

Bechya thought we forgot. We didn’t. We’ve just been working on it.

From WAY back when.

CCI04142012_0005CCI04142012_0007CCI04142012_0008From way back .  .  .college.


From almost four years ago.
For your birthday Henry has drawn you with a bionic hand that shoots.  .  .just what you always wanted.   .  .also it looks like you might be puking.
Abe took a more friendly approach to your birthday and made you both kings together.  .  .I can’t think of a word to describe this picture with out being offensive. Great spelling ABE!

Happy birthday, we thought of you!

Wedding in Provo

Pre wedding snack and makeup.


Every one is feeling appropriately affectionate and loving pre wedding.
Abe taking his job of snack time supplier VERY seriously.
This is Abe patently waiting for Anna to finish with pictures so that she can have a granola bar. He would not move until she took one from him. Smile
Scott hits his meat limit at Rodizios and starts to sweat bacon.
This is the kids meeting their wedding limit and turning to electronics.

The Chamber of Squeezy


We have GOT to have the MOST pathetic Harry Potter parties on the planet, but here is another one, documented and completed. We finished # 2 then we promptly ate cauldron cakes, polyjuice potion, and yes Abe even made us our very own chamber of secrets complete with a snake. (I think he is terribly clever). So with robes that are shabbier than any Weasly ever wore (because ours are Scott’s T shirts) we give thanks for Harry Potter # 2.

As a side note, do you think it’s weird or strange that I have forbidden the forbidden curses to be uttered in this house? The curses made me genuinely uncomfortable.


Check your 8th grade mind at the door

I turned 30 yesterday. Honestly it was a ton of fun, I had a very fun filled weekend and I really felt the love. Perhaps the best moment of my birthday is documented below. One of my goals this year is to run a marathon on June 2nd, so one of my presents from Scott was a scheduled message for post marathon. Scott put Abe in charge of making a card/gift certificate. Below is what he came up with. “massage man” poring “oil” on a happy and contented mom below:) I can not stop laughing. This picture is a slightly nasty reminder that I am so lucky to have a family that has my back and is willing to make sacrifices for my goal. Abe is one of my biggest supporters and my only fan that holds out hope before every half marathon I’ve run that I will finally win the entire race. Thank you family for the confidence, the eggs, the gear, the money, the time, and yes, even for the messages.
