
Little man becomes big

Happy Birthday Abe. You are a joy to mother. You’ve got energy, enthusiasm, and a confidence that takes you way beyond your abilities but is still ridiculously fun to be around anyway. You have moments of pure sainthood with your family and peers, you love to blow us away with your “service.” You’re a pain in primary (to your teachers but not to me.) I hope that someday you will read this and we can remember together, “oh yeah I used to puke all the time when I was a kid huh?” You’re favorite primary song is “We’ll Bring the World his Truth” because it makes you feel strong. You love everything violent, cartoons, video games, friends, art, music. You gravitate to it, it freaks me out. You want to be a blue angles pilot when you grow up. You save money for college. You LOVE soccer, to play it, not really to watch it. You have played two seasons and you have yet to score a goal, but you a famously amazing defender. We finished reading the first Harry Potter last night. You thought it was so cool to listen to me read it. Reading has not “taken off” with you yet BUT with the stuff you are reading I can’t say I blame you. It will come, I’m sure. You go to school every morning excited and awake.  You love to freak people out with your pet snake, Squeezy.  You told me last night that it was your “triple best birthday ever.” I have to admit that I thought it was pretty fun myself. I love you too much. Love, Mom



Scary but not too scary



If you don’t plan to swim . . .then you are planning to swim in your underwear

People might find out you aren’t that good at putting your underwear on correctly.

Last Beach run of the summer with Aunt Leah and Uncle Dane


Dane created some sort of force field on the beach

Nothing is like napping with a nugget in your clutches


ect type of festivities with LeBaron clan


For the first time ever, our house was “that house” on the 4th. It was an explosion bonanza.




Beachy fun


I heart the picture above.



Catch of the day!



Day camp fun is documented below.

Sitting area


The day before was Mt St Helens Day. We are all totally fried but especially Scott was taking no chances with his delicate crispy skin.


Movers and shakers


I love the skip in this boys step. Up down up down all day long.



