
LeBaron sized Crisis

1. We wake up to no snake in the cage, and it’s pretty much all Mom’s fault.

2. Spend 8 hours looking for the snake. I looked in every box, every bag, and behind and under every major appliance. (But yes I did clean as I went, when all was said and done I had vacuumed under behind and around EVERYTHING and I had three huge bags to go to Goodwill).


3. Go out with friends turn the search over to Scott.aaahhhhh

4. Before I went to bed Scott set up 2 “snake traps”, warm rock or pad with a blanket over it. I poured flour in lines over every doorway so he would leave tracks.

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6. Finally I took a ton of plastic grocery sacks and put them all over so he might run into one and “crinkle.”

7. Head off to bed with my study book and a flashlight so I can spy him in the night.

8. Squeezy looks at me with patience snake eyes from on top of my pillow, pleading with me to put him away on his warm rock.

9. Wake up in the morning a vacuum up all that damned four.


this was canister #2


april said...

you are one brave soul! I would've had to go sleep in a hotel that night.

mona said...

I don't think that I have ever heard a funnier story. Love you so much.

Tara said...

wow...at least the snake compelled you to do some cleaning. Are you a parseltongue? But it was on your pillow?! Maybe it was plotting to suffocate you while you were sleeping. I do love the flour trails, you are an innovator, if I ever lose something you'll be the first one I call.

Beckie said...

Can't believe that happened right after we talked about pets...maybe i missed the part re: missing snake?! personally pref reptiles to rodents, but can't say i'd be too thrilled to find one on my pillow:) we are def mothers o' boys eh? glad said snake was located without harm unless inflicted by you later--funny in hindsight OR NOT, but thanks for sharing yet another amusing post!

Keith said...

it was on your pillow!?!?!? I could never sleep in that bed again.....

Allen LeBaron said...

Get a bigger vacuum