
It’s the most wonderful time of the year


Abe’s preschool program was awesome, Abe was mostly impressed by the shrimp.


Henry was pretty much freaked out by the entire experience.

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You might think that in this picture Henry is participating awww.  .  .you would be wrong, they are using his doll as baby Jesus so he is swatting their hands away whilst proclaiming ownership robustly.

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A dear and loving family member gave this tent to the boys for Christmas. After Scott and I finished putting it together we had to go to marriage mediation.


Scott’s Mom gave us all aprons, look closely cause mine is the cutest!

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I know right? What the hell was I thinking?!

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“Name that Game” if you can guess what they are reenacting you win the big prize.


This is the “Man Tree House” that we got the boys for Christmas.


Mom get’s herself a little after Chrismas pick me up.


This is where I got a little more than I bargained for. This is an unholy mess of syrofoam in the garage “McDonalds”. Thanks to Heidi and Scott for cleaning it all up with the shop vac.



Mona said...

The wait was worth it. I knew that you were going to post sometime in this life. Thanks, Love, MOM

Michael said...

i can tell by the awesome swords and shirts that we have the same taste in where we shop for our boys...

i got peter and anden the sword and shield at the dollar spot from target :)

Looks like a merry christmas for all!

Lisa Borland said...

hee hee we went with nerf guns this year, not swords...i'm still wondering what we were thinking.We miss you guys..especially when Andrew asks if he can play with Abe.

Delena said...

your blog cracks me up!! I miss you. Thanks for putting a smile on my face, your kids are so stinkin cute!