
This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. . .mostly


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So I can remember.

Henry loved his costume, he asked to wear it in the morning after Halloween. “Candy, me?”

Abe really wanted to be batman but I forced the banana. I think he loved the attention the banana drew. In this picture he is ninja banana. He wore this to the ward party and tried to run around, he succeeded in planted his face over twenty times but always with a smile.


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Alisha said...

Oh so cute! Annika loved their costumes! I just can't believe how big they are both getting! They look so grown up!

Mona said...

Fabulous cookies, fabulous costumes. Never have I seen a cuter candy corn or ninja banana. Fun friends. Silly children cleaning out the pantry. Did I ask that man in the last picture if I was a fool? Hummmm. Thanks for the new post.