
Just for the Taste of it


Henry is terribly proud of the turkey “we” made. You should hear him say gobble gobble gobble
My Mom taking notice that there are flies in my house



Abe was pretty happy when we left him with grandpa because Grandpa would fall asleep and Abe was free to watch as much TV as he wanted.


I like this picture because my Mother is about to lose it because Abe is currently losing it into the sink.


I don’t know what this is a picture of, I didn’t take it, but check out the form on this kid!

Shananagins IMG_1302 IMG_1309 IMG_1306 IMG_1305



give a little whistle

Abe just found a “temple” in his Spiderman macaroni.

Henry is drinking the paint brush water.

It’s 1:00pm and I may or may not be dressed.


This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. . .mostly


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So I can remember.

Henry loved his costume, he asked to wear it in the morning after Halloween. “Candy, me?”

Abe really wanted to be batman but I forced the banana. I think he loved the attention the banana drew. In this picture he is ninja banana. He wore this to the ward party and tried to run around, he succeeded in planted his face over twenty times but always with a smile.


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