
When I grow up?

Recently Abe decided that a good career choice for him would be “the guy that puts people in jail”. He was explaining this to Scott the other day and Abe did express one concern for his future “But I don’t know which way to turn the key to lock ‘em up”

I’m in the habit of getting a few non-fiction books for the boys at the library and the other day Abe asked me if they “had any books about putting guys in jail” so he could brush up on prison slang I guess. Heaven help us.


Mona said...

Glory be!! What a boy. He needs lots of Granny kisses and hugs. Call me.

Brooke Bailey said...

I wanted to do that once. Well I even started to go to school for it when I realized it wasn't much of a career choice for a..... well a girl. That is the greatest story. At least he is thinking ahead and has chosen a career that when it comes time to enter the field will still have a need.

Rebecca Parker said...

That is hilarious & totally reminds me of my boys...look on side o' my blog for cole's career choice, which btw is now police officer too! not sure how i feel about that as a mom?! glad he has a few years to be sure:)

Leah said...

Don't let him watch Oz, you know how that ended up with George Michael