
Abe gets to thinking

Abe and Allison are eating left over brownie batter together

Abe-Mom, I love Jesus

Allison- Why?

Abe- Because he is always making me. Do you love Jesus?

Allison- Yeah I do

Abe- Does EVERYBODY love Jesus?

Allison- Well no, some people don't think he is alive

Abe- but we know he is alive

Allison- Yes and we are very thankful to him

Abe- Well, he is always really handsome!


Mona said...

My heart is just bursting for love of that boy!!

Lisa Borland said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Marianne said...

So adorable!

Karen said...

Abe, you are always thinking. Sooooo smart!

Megan said...

Out of the mouth of babes...or Abes!!! :o)

Brooke Bailey said...

He is very handsome. That is great that Abe would notice. What a great kid.