
Drive In!


Come and see us in Puyallup and you too could be having this much fun!

Kung Fu Panda unfortunately we could not muster the strength for the double feature.

What a huge pop!


Liz said...

Ha ha ha! Allison, I just love reading your blog posts. They always make me smile and laugh. For a drive in movie, I just might haul my boys up to visit you! :)

MOM said...

I want to go to a drive in with Abe and Henry. I want to sit in the back seat and eat a ton of popcorn. When are you arriving?

Alisha said...

How Fun! I have never been to a drive in, but have always wanted to. I will be putting that on the To do list while in Pallywieugfa (I don't know how to spell it)! Looks like fun!

Steph Jensen said...

Allison...are you reading this? You better be cause I miss you like crazy. Don't worry Allison I had/have a lazy eye when I was little and right now and I turned out just fine. No comments please. I miss you.