
A very boring post

We moved into our new house in Puyallup WA.

Some loved ones in my life have requested to see the new house. It won't be exciting to you, there isn't anything special about it expect it's not old or small, which makes it special to us:) All I ask is that my own mother makes some comments.

5 seconds after I finally got the key.

Who would take down such a lovely boarder. So Athenian.



Living, we gotta come up with what to put up on that shelf. Suggestions?


Sorry it's side ways, lazy. but I like this picture because I was trying to catch Scott streaking. Did I succeed? You be the judge.

Good morning backyard goat.

Marla's room.

The real reason for buying the house.

Henry's 2nd bedroom AKA my closet:)

There you have it.

A treat for those who read the entire post.


MOM said...

I love the green kitchen. I was wondering if you were going to lose the border. It took me awhile to find the way to comment. I just like to look at the pics.I'll bet that rock in front of the house is Abe's rock and he will not like it when Henry climbs up there. King of the Hill at Allison's house!! The thing about decorating is that it takes time. Even if you had a million dollars it still takes time to let the house become your home. Don't worry about filling every little or big space.
Okay I commented.

marl said...

i LOVE the house it is sooooo pretty and the green you picked for the kitchen is really nice!!
also i want you to tell scott that i could see him naked in that picture ;)
i can't wait to get out there!! we're going to have so much fun!
love ya!
oh and how wonderful that my room has 2! big windows!!.... should i still bring my curtains?

brooke said...

I think you should save the gaint self for a time out courner. How funny would that be to have one of your children perched up there. I also love the green.

Alisha said...

It looks so great! I can't wait till we come up to see it in real life. It looks so nice! I am jealous, wow CONGRATULATIONS!

Karen said...


You're amazing! I love the green. Like your Mom said, take your time. It will all come together. But the wallpaper trim did have to go, it couldn't wait.




I luvs it! The kitchen is ginormous! Think of all the cold cereal that will cycle through there....mmmmmm. Still planning on August!

Hilarie said...

Hey so I totally think your house looks super cute! Do you like the area? How are things going? They appear to be well! I actually have an old roommate and her parents who live there in P, WA. The Pettit family. Monique and Neil Minetto. If you meet any of them, tell them hi from me! I was roommates with Monique and Caprice (twins) Pettit.
Hey I tagged you on my blog... maybe you should check it out! :)

Megan said...

The house is soooo fabulous Allison it will be nice not having to refinish the floors right? ;) Miss seeing you guys but know that you are going to have a fantastic time in WA.