
Vacation from our problems!

This weekend we though we could move into our house, it didn’t work out. Instead of feeling sorry for our selves we pretended we were on vacation in Seattle.

We went on a tour of Seattle in this “boat car” (Abe’s description), A land water vehicle. So expensive but worth it for Abe.

We went to the boat locks and saw a salmon ladder.

Abe taking a tasty bite of a salmon.

Henry and his mom riding a wave.

We went to the arboretum, it was amazing!

"Feed me Seymour!"

There is a reason Seattle is not known for it's beaches.

The beach was completed with fish and chips.

Well Scott that's what you get maybe next time you won't try to look weird when I take a picture!


Brooke Bailey said...

I think that we all need a break from real life, even if we don't go any where. Being new to the area you could spend the next few years taking vacations around the home, that is when you fianlly get a home. How are things with that going? Cute pictures. Can we go to all those places when we come to visit.

Liz said...

Way to turn something sad into something fun! That arboretum looks gorgeous and the beach looks absolutely dismal. :) I love the last picture of Scott. It does serve him right...the punk. :)

Chad said...

I think Scott looks just darling in that picture. In fact since I love food so much I really just focused on the fish to be honest, Scott was just background decor. Maybe you should post a picture of scott's true character, of him dancing in front of the stove, good times!

HEIDI said...

This is pretty much the coolest blog I've ever seen.
Miss you guys like crazy!!!!
Love the pics!! Henry is such a stud.