
In Case I we haven’t spoken to you lately

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This is Henry he is 9 months now and he is darling. He had a lazy eye, we are kinda' treating it with patching but mostly we just think it’s funny to laugh at his crazy eye.

This is Abe and he is three. He loves to play with anything that is not a toy and loves to get his brother to rough house with him. In this picture he is jumping on his new bed. That’s right, we up and moved to Seattle. Scott got a job at Amazon.com. He is loving life there.

Right now we are still living in temporary housing in Seattle but we hope to move this week and get out of the city. . .FAST. We are moving south to Puyallup WA. Allison is staying home for the moment, she might be going a little crazy but we are sure she won’t ever go back to work once Aunt Marla comes to live with us in August. Allison will need all that time for shopping and gossip. . .and caring for her children.

Brotherly love after swimming complete with crazy eye!


Liz said...

Allison, my friend! You have a blog! I didn't know. I'm glad I found it on Brooke's. How fun. I was so surprised when I found out a couple of weeks ago that you guys had moved to Washington. Crazy! How are you liking it up there?

Henry's lazy eye makes me chuckle because Soren's eyes did weird things for the first few months of his life. Dan was worried that it would last forever, but the doctor assured us he would grow out of it. It was still funny, though. Abe is darling. How does he like his new home?

Are you guys going to the family reunion in July?! I hope we see you there. It's going to be so much fun. I can't wait.

Marianne said...

YAY! I'm glad you jumped on the "blogwagon". Abe and Henry are darling. Smooch all over them for me. Miss you!

Megan said...

Allison you are blogging yeahhhhh! I love to see how big your kids are. I'm completely jealous of Henry walking or standing but moving more than Tait. Abe is so grown up its hard to remember him as a little baby. When I saw that you are moving to Pullyup (Iknow bad spelling) Trent said that he has an aunt there they are called Wynn and Sandy Farnsworth. Maybe you will have them in the stake. Good to see you and I will be dropping in from time to time.