
We brought our own blue skies




We went camping in come church owned cabins this weekend and it rained so hard I think Henry grew webs between his toes. (you know for evolution) any way we had a lot of fun and my friend heidi brought a plethora of glow sticks, which provided the kids with tons o‘ fun and much sword fighting. This is a picture of Henry with Joshua, the only other living soul that Henry likes.

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I know right?! We loved these classy beds because we could all wet the beds with no consequences.


This is Miranda announcing that the fun is over and sleep time has started.


He has the hair of a lion

the boys like it when dad covers them up except one eye ball.

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Henry spends more time as a puppy these days then a boy

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Pumpkin patch fun


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City of Destiny

image Driving in Tacoma (lost because, I’m always lost in Tacoma). Abe sees a factory and announces “Oh no, someone should call a fireman cause there is a fire.”

mom- “no that’s just a factory and that is steam coming out the top”

Abe-“ oh what are they making in that factory”

mom- ”I don’t know Abe maybe cat food or chairs it could be anything”

Abe- “Mom I think you are right.  .  .and I think they are making clouds”


Good point Abe