
little accessories

When ever Abe sees himself in pictures where he is wearing a life jacket he gets excited about the “suitcase” he is wearing.IMG_0721


don’t drink the water

image image

I lost track of Henry for a while tonight while we were at the church. I went in the hall to check on what he was doing and found him sucking on Cowboy (his stuffed bison that lately, goes every where with him.) Continued observation of the two year old found him too short to drink from the drinking fountain but not too short to make flow. I swear this kids IQ must be off the charts! That’s right he was letting the water flow all over Cowboys face and then bringing Cowboy down to his level to suck the water back out of the bison. Kinda gives you a warm and hopeful feeling for the up and coming generation huh.


oh remember remember

At least three times a day I hear “they grow so fast, cherish every moment”. Every time I have to try and ask myself “am I taking crazy pills”?

You guys don’t have to read it, this is so I don’t end up delusional like them.

At preschool Abe has recently decided that it important that he is the first kid in the door. In order to accomplish this he must have his hands on his teachers door knob before it open for business and then frantically defend his territory by swatting at any other kids that might come near. As a mother I let a lot of things slide but like I don’t want to look lazy:) So I take Abe and make him have a timeout in the car whilst all the other children go into preschool. Oh yeah and on the way back to the car I have him by the wrist and he is smacking me, not to hurt me but just so everyone knows who the alpha male in the relationship is. So I get him calmed down in the car and we go into preschool. I realize just how dirty his face must have been because I can see the clean lines of tear trails. I take him into the bath room and wash his face, he screams at me for getting water in his eyes. We take out his folder and he yells at me for doing it wrong. I try to make him give me a smile before he goes in, stomping and yelling. I mean how many chances can I give him? We walk back to the car, wear he refuses to get in because he is going to throw up. (always believe Abe when he tells you it’s coming up) Luckily earlier this summer Marla supplied us with special hospital barf bags. So I reach for the bag shove it and Abe and shove him into the car. He hyperventilates and throws up all the way home “I don’t want to be late for preschool” “I want to work on my family tree” “please please please”. As I’m putting him to bed once we are home he is telling me that he can’t go to sleep or he will be late. Ah preschool is 15 min away and only last 2.5 hrs to begin with. Abe doesn’t have a great sense of time. Anyway is he asleep with in 5 min of being in bed and sleeps for 3.5 hrs.

This week has also featured

Black puke at 2:00am

pushing and spitting talk from the preschool teacher, to ME not him

cleaning of windows with string cheese

stealing Henry’s blanket at night and then coming to us to complain that Henry is crying

anger at his new clothes being delivered in a bag instead of a box.  .  .?

get your shoes on, get your shoes on, getyourshoeson, getyourshoeson, getyourshoesongetyourshoesongetyourshoesongetyourshoesonstophittingyourbrother getyourshoeson

remember? I will never forget


in case I got you down here is a picture of Henry being really safe with he helmet and his bike but still .  .  .he is in the road and he might even be on the wrong side


Abe meets beets

Ember told me that her doctor told her to go to a farmers market, then let your kids pick out a new vegetable, then go home and cook it together and try it. I thought it sounded like fun till Abe choose some beets. Holy crap they nasty but at least now we both know.

Growing pains


IMG_0938 Henry kept getting in trouble for finding “night nights”.  In this picture I told him to “get rid of the night night or go lay down.” He opted to lay down instantly.


IMG_0946 Abe’s first day of preschool he is carrying snack for the day.


IMG_0943 Scott was told to go and wake the baby. The baby didn’t want to wake up so he put Henry’s shoes on whilst he slept.


IMG_0927 This is me trying not to eat this years “Happy Birthday Scott pie”
Carmel Apple:)


IMG_0907 I LOVE this picture!
This is Abe with a jet pack.