
Tiny parenting rewards

OK so I’m super busy trying to get my family packed for vacation but I really don’t want to forget this one.

Abe- Mom, after I get old and die will I be a baby again?

Me- No after you die you will go to heaven with Hevenly Father.

Abe- Oh but what if I die in Heaven?

Me- Oh well you don’t have a body in Heaven so you can’t die.

Abe- You mean we are just HEADS floating around?!

Me- My hand over my mouth trying to explain your spirit while peeing my pants.


Safety first at the LeBarons

Scott and Abe have some safety tips they learned this week:

Abe: Don’t catch bees, turns out .  .  .Mom tells the truth

Scott: Don’t put lotion on in the dark.  .  .could be an old bottle of Nair.


Time for a paper route

Abe got a $2 "pedal" bike from the neighbor's garage sale on Saturday and decided try it out.


“This was the best vacation EVER!”

Ferry rideIMG_0704IMG_0787
camp site, Orcas island
Marla and I tried to spit all the way onto Canada from the top of Mt Wannahackalugie.  .  .I mean Mt Constitution
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17 mile bike rideIMG_0766      IMG_2523
Whale Watching
This is a picture of Abe and I fighting. He was supposed to be showing us the “scuppers”, he refused.
Fish aIMG_2529nd hotdog puppet showIMG_2531 

Henry never figured out that Brian was NOT his father

In this picture Scott is trying to make fun of ME and how I pose for pictures, jokes on him I think it’s the best picture ever taken of him
Taken on the Jellies

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Abe found a snail, he brought it back to camp. It gave him “the poopy touch”. He smelled like poop and everything he touched turned to poop. This is me trying to get rid of the smell by rubbing lemon all over him.

Back at home
