
Pondering Portland


Henry eating sweet and sour sauce.


This is what we got when Marla ordered wantons


Not a ton of toys in a hotel room

IMG_0078  Derilickt

IMG_0081 I have a lot of pictures of people looking ridiculous trying to get kisses from Henry

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I'm gonna be a rock star babyIMG_0129


sweet success

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That's right split peas.  .  .What you think I got buttons laying around?


Shaking hands with the snow man.


That's one way to make sure your stuff is all spread out to dry.


Really Mom?

This is it! This is the big snow storm. Abe was so excited to build a family of snow men with carrots and everything.  .  .  he quickly learned that we couldn't even manage a snow ball so we resorted to wiping snow onto each other.

Side note: Marla's church was canceled because of THIS snow.IMG_0057

Ok so moving on, as you look at the pictures below you may notice the same thing we did. Henry's hair is out of control. It brought tears so my eyes to do it but, I had to.

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Sad I know. These pictures were taken at Abe's preschool program. We have a 1/2 hour of footage of Abe standing more still than he ever has and being more quiet than you have ever witness, maybe he will find it in his heart to sing next year.IMG_0033 IMG_0032 IMG_0038 IMG_0034

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