
From the Mouth of Abe

I've been writing a few down for Uncle Eric

“Noses are the shape of “M”” stare at your nostrils for awhile and I think you'll see he's correct.

“Mom, this balloon has your air in it” because I blew it up.

Singing “When Jesus Christ was baptized it was really cold and freezing”

“Mom puppies don't ever wear any clothes”

“Mom do you fish with bugers?”

All week he was praying and he told Heavenly Father to bless his birthday and that he was thankful for his birthday finally after the fact he just told him that his birthday was over.

He was playing in someone else's yard and I told him people were going to get mad at him “They are gonna die me?”

Mispronounced words




Chruch toast=French toast


I was teaching Abe's class at church, what a bunch of little bleepers, anyway things were getting out of hand and so I told a dramatic version of “Daniel in the Lion's Den”. All week he has been asking me to “tell him the scary story again”. . .so baby I made it a little too scary. But as long as he is interested I told him the story of Jonah and the whale and made it just as terrifying.


Thanks a lot Family

No really the boys say thank you. At births, birthdays, and Christmas sometimes people we love like to give our kids $. They really want for nothing so we usually just stick it in an account. Well.  .  .we found something they "wanted for" see below. Abe got it for his birthday from all of you! (don't worry to much .  .  .it was purchased with the sweat of our brow from craigslist)

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Those pictures make a mothers heart sing with sweet dreams of independent outdoor play, I thank you from deepest wells of my heart.


Later that day


A terrible picture, I know, but I really just wanted you to see the cake. Mad Cake decorating skills.


Happy Halloween and happy voting

Technically we didn't spend any of Halloween together, I was in Utah and Scott was home in Washington, but the night before we left we went to this night zoo Halloween thing. It was really cool to see the animals at night, plus we got to enjoy our kids costumes.

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YES WE CAN! Scott wasn't really able to attend the Obama party because it took him 2 1/2 hours to vote. By the time he got in his car the speech was ending.


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Also we went fishing/picnicking, this is the usual face Scott has when he fishes.(or when he thinks I'm being ridiculous)
