
Mogpog of life

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IMG_1298 Henry turned 1.


Another trip to Mt Rainier.

IMG_1287 IMG_1289 IMG_1288 It was so gorgeous and uber fun with all the family here.




Abe asked me how many legs an octopus has, after we watched one at the aquarium. Then he requested eight bags and flew around the house as an octopus.


IMG_1305 Also Marla is here to stay which is ridiculously fun, our first Sunday we accidentally dressed all matchy.


Eureka's School of hard knocks!

Literacy time

Mimi and Abe "read" to each other

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Snacks and crafts time

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Physical Education

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Equestrian class

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Field trip toIMG_1252 the Zoo


















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Finally watch Leah try to sleep in


Abe would like to be a fireman

This is as close as he can get, boots I bought for this winter.


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Just what sort of fireman .   .  .we'll just have to wait and see.