
Drive In!


Come and see us in Puyallup and you too could be having this much fun!

Kung Fu Panda unfortunately we could not muster the strength for the double feature.

What a huge pop!


A very boring post

We moved into our new house in Puyallup WA.

Some loved ones in my life have requested to see the new house. It won't be exciting to you, there isn't anything special about it expect it's not old or small, which makes it special to us:) All I ask is that my own mother makes some comments.

5 seconds after I finally got the key.

Who would take down such a lovely boarder. So Athenian.



Living, we gotta come up with what to put up on that shelf. Suggestions?


Sorry it's side ways, lazy. but I like this picture because I was trying to catch Scott streaking. Did I succeed? You be the judge.

Good morning backyard goat.

Marla's room.

The real reason for buying the house.

Henry's 2nd bedroom AKA my closet:)

There you have it.

A treat for those who read the entire post.